Traction Motors Restoration

Ninety years ago today, the historic Flying Yankee was undergoing final preparations at the Budd Company for the imminent delivery to the Boston and Maine Railroad!

To celebrate 90 years of the Yankee, we’re thrilled to launch a fundraising campaign to restore the train's traction motors, the completion of which will bring the trainset one step closer to operation.

These model GE 721 motors are attached to the first two axles of the train, receiving the electricity to turn from an electrical generator. The generator provides power as it, too, is spun by a diesel engine.

Unusually small compared to conventional locomotive traction motors, this unique electrical equipment has already received substantial work under previous restoration efforts in the early 2000s. The motors were not completed at that time due to a lack of funds. To complete the rebuild, both motors will be shipped to a qualified traction motor shop. Items remaining to render the motors usable include the mounting of pinion gears, installation of cable connectors and lubrication piping, bearing replacement, fabrication of two bearing caps, and qualification.

Their restoration is estimated to cost up to $30,000, with plans to fund the work through donations and grants over the coming months. Several grants have already been submitted.

We’ve also undertaken the long-term project of constructing a facility to house the train. This project is in the design phase, which is expected to be completed later this year and subsequently followed with a capital campaign. In the interim, the FYA is using this time to begin restoration work that requires shipment of components to specialized vendors to complete, beginning with the traction motors.

We are asking for generous donations towards this restoration project, and thank you for your consideration.

The Traction Motors

More About The Traction Motors

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Please include a note including your name, email address (optional but preferred so that we can maintain communication), and any additional name(s) you’d like this donation to be made on behalf of.

Address Both Check and Envelope To: Flying Yankee Association

Mailing Address: PO Box 7257, Nashua, NH 03060

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Thank you for your interest and support!